1. 2011-8-28: http://youtu.be/VQ9FVE3x-jk
3. 2011-9-13 White tower view: http://youtu.be/LjcNNS4AV4o
4. 2011-9-16 pouring of top slab: http://youtu.be/aLqNDA7fPz0
5.2011-9-16 pouring of top slab when we first started with vibrator. Im using the vibrator and Mike is holding the hose. The driver from Potratz is directing the hose with remote control: http://youtu.be/ch97DXV-lCI
6. End of pour- Thankyou Amma: http://youtu.be/jY90DvJVr2g
7. View from tower at 48.75 feet on Oct 19, 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLgevQQxr4
8. Better view little higher: Oct22: http://youtu.be/0dYuWcWOAaE
9. Thunderstorms Oct 23, 2011: http://youtu.be/7rCJgjZgLVU
Dec. 20, 2011
10a. putting nails into bracket <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ncVWRG19WkM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
10b. Installation of ramp brackets ( screws): http://youtu.be/gAQz9BYKZD4
11. January 31st, 2012: http://www.youtube.com/user/theyuha?feature=mhee
12. 2012-8-2 thunderstorms: http://youtu.be/fNX77XT_C8M